Patterson Medical Photo Articulation Library
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The Photo Articulation Library has a large variety of stimulus photos. Each card has a corresponding word that targets specific sounds for users to pronounce. These sounds include consonants, consonant clusters, vowels, dipthongs, and the position of specific sounds within words. The photos come with cross indexes to search for words, sounds, categories, word list, and minimal pair lists corresponding to each photo. The set of images is ideal for visual recognition as well as speech therapy.
- Comes with 3 boxes of cards, each box has 350 or more cards
- Cards have a total of 1,085 photos on them
- Each box has a set of sounds the cards depcit
- Set 1: b, p, mb, mp, n, nk, ng, h, w, 16 vowels and dipthongs
- Set 2: s, d, t, f, v, g, k, y, w clusters, n clusters, and s clusters
- Set III: /, / clusters, r, r clusters, z, z clusters, sh, ch, j, th (voiced and unvoiced), and zh