Patterson Medical Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination Set, Third Edition
Questions? Speak with a specialist!
Aphasia exam set measure syntax comprehension, graphophonemic processing, and word comprehension. Word production tests locate category-specific difficulties. Tests takes 30-45 minutes to administer, and gives quick reliable information in a hurry for rapid diagnosis and intervention. Features include testing options for the Boston Naming Test, methods for eliciting discourse, new approaches to scoring, and new tests for analyzing reading disorders.
- Set includes book and video, and give a comprehensive resource for aphasic disorder
Included in Kit
- Newly revised manual of The Assessment of Aphasia and Related Disorders
- 147 Long Form Stimulus Cards
- Long Form Record Booklet (Pack of 25)
- Stimulus Cards- Short form (27 illustrations)
- Short Form Record Booklet (Pack of 25)
- Boston Naming Test
- Stimulus Cards Picture Book
- Boston Naming Test Record Booklet (Pack of 25)
- Examining for Aphasia with the BDAE video demonstrating effective test administration in various situations